How To Become Millioniare In Students Life

Friends, if you are an average student or Chartered Accountant, Cost and Management Accountant or CS, doing any of these three professional courses, then I would like to share some tips on how you can become a Millionaire in the future.

I can tell you the right point in the entrance because I am also a CA student and I run a businessman and it has been only two years since my business started but I earn monthly from my principal under whom I am doing CA articleship and so on.

If my business continues to grow at a fast pace, then in the coming one and a half year, I will have taken the tag of millionare in the month, friends, I did not say this by widening my chest or carrying arogant. Trust me, I did not want to mention this, he will not trust the person in front, that’s why I had to change, only then I can share all the tips that I do and all these things work because two years to 19 years of business journey Overtaking in me is proof of this.

Friends, all the points mentioned in this video are taken from Secret of Mille Nuts Minus Books which I also follow and in the end I will also share my idea with you for which you will have to wait till the end of the article. If you do CA CMA and CS any of these three courses, then you have three options, the best job to earn, second form and third, the thing to pay attention to starting any of your business is if you do a job.

After completing these professional degrees, you can never become a Millionaire. I am not motivating you. By doing a calculation, it was shown that one million i.e. 10 lakhs and one dollar is currently running for 73 rupees, according to that it took approxemately 7 crores to become a millioniare, now you have become a CA as a sample and let’s assume you get a salary of 1 lakh.

Even if you consider the salary of one lakh, then even if you join the job at the age of 22, you will be able to earn power point five crore only till the age of 60 years. We have told that it will cost separately for food and drink. If children have to get married too, then even these four crores do not survive. Well, back to our issue and share all the tips that I took from the book Secret of Millionaire Smile.

His thinking level. They tell me man, I have to complete this course. After that get a good job. If you get a job in four, then life is set. And if it is in CA or CA, then marriage will happen like this. You notice one thing in this, my friend has reduced the limit of his success by thinking so much, he has reduced the sky of his growth, that too to get a job in full form is also the success mantra nm noise he is of these thinking Together they can never become a villain because they never dreamed of making their fun like before. He never dreamed of Freddy’s private jet.

That is, life will give you only as much as you dare to believe. If you think that you get a nice car and have a nice house, then you will get everything right in life. Or sometimes less than that, that’s why the first tip to become a millionaire is think big and implement it.

instead of setting limits in your mind. Next is Reasonable Cast and Lee Lord Anglo Poor Pepper Thing Deval Reddy You will often find people who do not have much knowledge. But if you talk to him, then you will speak absolutely confident as if he has done PhD in that field and is working in the same field. Happened to me recently I was discussing with a friend of mine.

On MTNL and bank privatization my friends start saying yes this government is for sale. No job vacancy is emerging, on the contrary, everything is being sold. I don’t know this. He has never done service UC of MTNL. If he did, that time would never have happened.

This is a sign of poor maternity and if you start convincing such people even by mistake, then this statement will be their statement, do not teach me. I know that Warren Buffett, who has been the world’s biggest investor, reads the book for eight hours a day, Bill Gates teaches Early Fifty Hunger every year. Apart from this, Elon Musk, many such big CEOs who do not have any more knowledge, their business will continue, yet they never skimp on taking knowledge. Hey we are the most intelligent successful person in the world.

What do we have to learn from someone, but even today these people are equally open minded. To take knowledge or to learn is the next point, you will definitely find some people around you who do thousands of work themselves, but after seeing rich and successful people, they will talk among themselves.

You must have worked for number two, only then you have become so rich and I would say that by doing number two, you can never be successful in life because you can bring people to a meeting. Friends, the people of Mindset are not like this when the matter progresses.

If someone is struggling, they help them more and learn instead of walking from successful people like themselves. If you are a CA or CS student,then you have a very good opportunity to start something big to do something big, because even if you fail, it is before your name when only SCA or traffic from traffic. Because of the name in CA, you can get a job at any point of life, even if you get less, but you will get only what people of other professions do not have and if I give my surname, then it is not a difficult task to not be found.

The only difference is that some people take more time and some people and in the end I would like to share my two tips. first tips You should work in making more and more earning sources. 8 10 15. For as much detail in this subject as possible, definitely refer to the articles with income to cash flow coded. I’ll do my thing.

I have also become a going users and rote crazy mentality business flat marketing youtube stock and crypto currency I consider both these to be the same. Tips number, then reduce the wasteful expenditure or do not do it at all, friends.

There are many students who do not even need expensive expensive gadgets, yet they buy 70 80 thousand mobiles, at this wasteful expense, I started my business in 2000 19 with 16 thousand because my family’s condition is not so good.

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Whatever I asked for money from them, so I started with what I had. I am not saying that iPhone means you should definitely take Ferrari, but I believe that all those things should come in one percent of your income.

That is, your income should be as much, out of which if you spend only one percent, then all these things should be as capable as your muthi mai, only then have a hobby of these things. Do tell on the second comment of the second article, which topic you would still like to see, also share it, thank you for giving your valuable time.

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